A Journey of Ignorance, Spandex, and Punching

Join the ignorant adventures of Chuck Flamingo as he scours the fringes of the Marvel Universe (the dollar bin at the comic book shop) to find an artifact to bring back to his trusty Marvel expert Mr. Nappy. 

Together, they will go over the artifact to see if they had found a forgotten hero or just another zero!

Chuck Flamingo is an aspiring writer who wants to break into Hollywood, The trouble is Hollywood only seems to want to make movies about comic books. Chuck Flamingo doesn't read comics!

Mr. Nappy has been there from the beginning. The beginning of time that is! His soul is in tune with the ebb and flow of the Marvel Universe and he desperately tries to enlighten those who are not true believers. He even admits that he cried on the day Gwen Stacy died.

They fight, shout, and get on each other's nerves but they are unrelenting on their quest to find a hero among the ZEROS!

Photographer: Chris Fleitas