Chuck Flamingo has found Omega the Unknown! Probably has the best cover of any comic book issue ever. Mr. Nappy and Chuck Flamingo learn about the post-structuralist critique on how the individual has been re-appropriated into a capitalist entity whose soul purpose is to consume and multiply. Does that work for a story about a guy who wears a cape? Listen to find out!
Chuck Flamingo brings X-Staix to Mr. Nappy for the tenth episode of the podcast because.. you know, the letter X. Right? Because X is roman for... Ahem.
Is X-Staix the worst comic ever or a P.S.A to not take your sexual relationship with your skateboard for granted? Listen to find out!
The Dark Hawk Squawks in this episode through time and space and comic pages. Chuck Flamingo believes he may have found a hero but it is up to Mr. Nappy to know for sure.
Chuck Flamingo's scrapes the bottom of the barrel to bring Mr. Nappy a world gone mad. A world gone to the apes! Super hero apes and more! It's going to be bananas! PUNS!
Mr. Nappy and Chuck Flamingo read the speical Phoenix Resurrection Revelations Recurring Recklessly Retroactively Rewriting Rear Rarities Right Rover: The Reckoning. Confused? So are we!
Chuck Flamingo and Mr. Nappy dive deep into the world of... Tek World... from the mind of William Shatner! Spoilers: They do not send postcards from there but do see some nice wildlife.
Today, Mr. Nappy thinks it would be best for Chuck Flamingo to know what a real comic book is like. But when Chuck Flamingo reads a little too much into a comic book, Mr. Nappy must put his foot down.
In this special episode, Mr. Nappy and Chuck Flamingo went to the movies to enjoy their love of Star Wars by watching Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. However one of them did not come back happy. Can you guess who?
Most likely you can because you guys are pretty smart.
Mr. Nappy and Chuck Flamingo debate the most important question of our time: do teen robots get horny or is it an illusion?
Chuck Flamingo and Mr. Nappy go down memory lane of 90's cinema with this issue of Meteor Man!
Mr. Nappy faces the greatest challenge to his sanity when Chuck Flamingo brings him The Nth Man!
Chuck Flamingo believes the Nth Man looks like Christopher Lambert. Mr. Nappy completely disagrees but only you can decide who is right! Click on the link below so we can settle this very important question.
Chuck Flamingo finds a comic based on a true story! Are they going to find a hero right out of the gate? Can a real hero translate to a fake one? Mr. Nappy doesn't think so.